Shanti Christo Amulet - 33 Silver oxy


Necklace Oxidised Filigree Silver 18,52 grams - 3.3 cm in diameter

All silver used is 925 grade Sterling silver

Each piece is handcrafted by a truly amazing team of fine craftsmen.

A Symbol that Unifies the Vedic, Semitic, Yogic, Mystic and Shamanic Traditions.

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Shanti Christo Amulet

Symbolic Significance:

Now before you a Symbol that is quite all encompassing in its nature.

It unifies the Vedic and Semitic streams of consciousness/traditions.

Shanti for the Vedic streams and Christo for the Semitic streams,

loosely translated as the Peace of Christ.


It also does not forget the more Shamanic, earth based traditions, as emblemized by the 8 arrowheads pointing in the directions of the wind.


It includes two 13 belly scaled cobra’s, surrounding the Peace symbol in the Centre of the Heart, representing Kundalini rising and Yogic traditions.


The symbol of the Heart, is formed by two lines moving from a zero still point into different directions. Yet at a certain point are drawn back down into their centre and inextricably towards their counterpart, plunging into celebratory unifying Peace. 


In the Peace signs’ central line stands Mother Mary in her traditional mudra, both hands down, Blessing the Earth and All of Life as the circle around her.

Setting ablaze the eternal flame bursting forth from the Blessing of a hero’s journey completed.


The triangular shape of the Buddha meditating at the centre of the flame of the Sacred Heart.


The 8 pointed 64 rayed Sun, connects the ancient I Ching tradition and the modern day Gene Keys with the Surya Majapihit of Hindu/Buddhist origin.


Underlying structure reveals  the star of Inanna: Sumerian queen of the heavens/star of Ishtar the Babylonian goddess known as “The Lightbringer.”


It fits into the Star of Lakshmi as well as the Islamic Rub El Hizb, which brings in Sufi mystical traditions with Al-Arabi’s Geometrical  octagon, with a ninth point in the centre, combining the Breath of the Compassionate with the Seal of the Prophet.


In ancient Astrology the eight lines of the star are symbolic of the four corners of space (north, south, east, and west) and time (two solstices and two equinoxes).


It honours the High Angelic Seraphiel order of Sophia Dragons with 8 times 11  scales of Dragon Wisdom holding and Anchoring that Shanti Christo consciousness into the Heart of Mother Gaia.


And if you truly meditate on this symbol the face of the Lion of Judah, the cosmic Christ appears. It is an emblem of a perfectly aligned, sublimely balanced Unified Field of Christ. Beaming out into All directions simultaneously.


It speaks of the eternal New Now, the Second Coming, the having arrived rather than the journey, the having found instead of the searching, of Completion and Wholeness.


A symbol to remind us of that Truth that is True Always... Only LOVE IS Real...

We Are indeed One with our Creator and in that Knowing Peace Reigns Supreme.


Indeed A Perfect Creation emanating from the Mind of God.


In other Words: this Is the Truth of YOU... the Truth of who and what I Am... We Are.


Yes We Are That, We Are ... I Am That, I Am.
