Our Story


The Spiritual candy store

Is co-created to bring you Spiritual Technology for this time of Great Change. To help you become a wayshower in this coming Age of Grace.

Jewellery and altar implements, charged with Sound and Light frequencies to assist your awakening journey.

♥ All items in this store are copyright free ♥


Co-Creating, Serving The Way

These pieces are Co-Created out of a deep longing to honor that One known to me as Yeshua.

A deep longing to extend these Spiritual technologies and what they taught and brought me.

A deep longing to serve his Vision for Earth and Humanity.

A deep longing for The Way to be restored in (y)our mind and heart, as The Way to walk to - and in - Freedom.

A deep longing for Peace to return to earth and that all may see Heaven and Earth as One.

A deep longing to extend cross cultural, pan religious mystical understanding to All.

These pieces are channelled if you will, downloaded by Grace through my hands, my eyes, my voice, my ears and born through dedication and pure Trust.

Through applying the Keys to the Kingdom; Desire, Intention, Allowance, Surrender culminating in Humility and Gratitude.

This is not ‘my’ creation, there is no copyright, I Am receiver of Grace and Light.

In Gratitude and Service I remain to blossom and extend what has first been Given.

I Am your brother, friend and equal in Christ, We Are One.

I Am Ori Ana, I Am


Little beacons of Light

These jewellery pieces are little beacons of Light that at once attract like minded into your sphere as well as beam Light out in all directions.  Blessing the road before you and lighting up The Way ahead.

Each piece is accompanied by a sound frequency, a chantable sound that awakens a remembrance deep within your DNA.

Each piece is accompanied by an activation ceremony to connect you and your piece to that particular frequency to draw strength from and be informed by.

Each piece is accompanied by free YouTube content to transmit more on how to implement these Spiritual technologies to benefit you ever more on your journey.


Traditionally crafted

Each piece is handcrafted by a truly amazing team of fine craftsmen. Wax carvers and silversmiths of a long line of tradition with meticulous care for detail and themselves blessed by these frequencies in ceremony before working on them.


Bali with its Hindu roots, and across the board appreciation for beauty and ceremony, is one of the last remaining places on earth where traditions, art and craft have been kept alive for thousands of years and handed down generation to generation until present and still going strong.


Where each house has a temple, where each village has its particular style and flavour, where talent is nurtured and appreciated yet normal, where the rich pantheon of deities provide the perfect backdrop for understanding and appreciating symbology as a Universal language.


Located in the Indonesian archipelago, with its huge population and diverse religions, making it the perfect melting pot of understanding and honouring all traditions as pointing towards the same Creator, Source, God.


The proceeds of this Spiritual Candystore go towards ;

1 Living in the simplicity of abundance.

2 extending and supporting co~creative expressions of The Way.

3 manifesting a Temple honoring these two aramaic gemstone practisess;

Aramaic Lord’s Prayer and Beatitudes ... anchoring the Shanti Christo symbol and respective (sound) frequencies.

All items in this store are copyright free.


Anchoring Christ light on earth through the (R)evolutionary act of stickering.

Carrying light frequencies on your guitar case, little portals of Light on your refrigerator, light-beacons on your helmet, imprinting your surroundings with Symbols of Unity, reminding us of the Peace that Passeth All understanding.

Consider accepting this symbol in your etheric field, allowing it to reveal what you are committed to,

while you move through space, or when one enters yours.

Emblems of Unified Field Consciousness heralding what door one is entering.

As Yeshua shares Shanti Christo is an emanation from the Mind of God and therefore cannot be owned by anyOne.

Our goal is to spread this as far and wide as possible, we share here the files with which you can go to your local sticker company (offset printer) and have a batch made to anchor light in your surroundings, to give to your friends, kids, clients.

Assist in spreading this symbol, that it may be imprinted in the eye of the beholder and lead them home.

Download your copyright free files here:


Laura mcGurk’s touching Voice has an ability to reach deep down into those places we usually keep locked up.

The transmission of her Mother’s Heart and tears wept and dried, softens those places in us and creates a safe place for those tender parts in us to let flow, to feel heard, to feel seen, to feel embraced.


If you would like to learn more of her journey and music give her a follow on her youtube channel.


As Yeshua demonstrates with his Gift that keeps Givingto truly receive we must share what has been given.


In the spirit of this teaching i shared his gift of chant with my beloved friend Laura, during three months of journeying across the globe to sacred spots on our beautiful planet.

During which she birthed her Shanti Christo song.


A few months later she send me her gorgeous rendition of the Aramaic Lords prayer as a Gift for having received.


And as masters do with a little cherry on top.

Thank you sister, thank you brother, i receive and in gratitude extend forward, this Gift that keeps giving.

I Am Ori Ana, I Am