Aramaic Lord’s Prayer


My Hearts Desire is that you consider what’s been shared here, that you’ll be with, breathe with, dance and play with this most precious of prayers, this Shalu, this way of alligning to the Divine within, and find the wealth of Gratitude in your own Heart for and from this, our Beloved Wayshower: Yeshua ben Joseph, also known as Jesus. And that this Gratitude may be the alchemical substance that quickens your path towards Peace with Grace and Ease. 

Ahbwoon d’bwoshmaya

Here before you is offered the first sentence of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer as was given to Yeshua’s (Jesus) followers when they asked; ‘dear brother, teacher how do you do what you do, how can we become more like you?’

He paused, breathed and replied:

pray thus, and this first sentence was given for his students to be with for a period

of time, to breathe with, to play with,

to taste and become One with,

to allow it to gently roll over the vocal cords, to intone and chant it,

to move with and dance with.


So go ahead and allow these words to flow, feel them, feel the vibration of these ‘light syllables’, reaching you from across time and space, connecting you to The Eternal Truth of All That Is.


Lost in translation


As you may be familiar with the phrase ‘lost in translation,’ it may come as no surprise that translating this most precious of prayers from Aramaic, a very flowing and poetic language, into Greek:

a very structured almost mathematical language, that was used during the era’s of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle was not an easy task.


From that Greek version of The Lord’s Prayer a translation into Latin was created around 325 a.d. When emperor Constantine ordered the counsel of Nicea to form one centralized religion, based in part on the teachings and life of Yeshua ben Jozef.


Just by looking at his name morphing and changing from Yeshua (Hebrew/Aramaic) to Iēsou (Greek) to Iesus (Latin) into Jesus (English), it’s not difficult to imagine that in between good and more self-serving intentions, alterations in meaning may have occurred, some of which may have even lead us further away from the original roadmap to the inner sanctum as was intended.


-Thank God for scholars, theologians, scribes and librarians for their desire to store, preserve, study and understand Ancient Teachings such as these.


-Double thank God for that shepherd who recovered the “Dead sea scrolls” in 1945. Thereby sparking a new interest in understanding the Aramaic language which was the main language in use during Yeshua’s time.

-Thank You three times for mystical translators, unbound by Roman religious doctrine, such as Neil Douglas Klotz and modern channels for Yeshua (Jesus), such as my dear brother Jayem.


As well as my own desire for Truth and Love of Sound, who all put together reinstate the Truth that there is a wider Plan and

the Second Coming is upon us Now.


About a translation that Reflects More of the Truth Contained within: “Ahbwoon d’bwoshmaya”


King James bible version is: ‘Our Father who art in heaven’.

Let me give you three possible translations that come from an in-depth study of ancient Aramaic, practicing, breathing, moving, feeling and chanting with it...

Root meaning :

Our Birth(er) in Unity.


Poetic translations:

-Father Mother of the Cosmos, ever shimmering Light of All.

-Divine Source,All Encompassing Wholeness.

-‘Oh Thou , Breathing Life of All Creator of the Shimmering Sound that touches us’


Phonetic version of the whole Prayer;


-Ah bwoon d’bwashmaya

-Neeta kadasha schmach

-Tay tay malkootha

-Ne-whey t-savee-yanak eye kanna d’bwashmaya opfbaraha

-How-lahn lachma d’soonkahnan yow-manna

-Wash wo-klan how-bane eye-kanna dahp hahnan shwaken el-high-ya-bane

-Oo-lah tah-lahn el-nees-yo-nah ella paewh-sahgn min beesha

-Metohl dih-lah-kee mal-kootha, oo-high-la, oo-teeshbohk-ta la-alahm, ahl-meen.



A New Poetic Translation ...

that indeed reflects more of the Power and Beauty contained within this Gift that keeps on Giving ...

Through Jayem in communion with Yeshua;


-Father-Mother of the Kosmos, Ever-Shimmering Light of All.

-Your Light is focused within us, as we breathe Your Holy Breath.

-Now, you enter the sanctuary of our shared Heart,

-Uniting within us the sacred rays of Your Power, and Beauty

awakening our heart’s desire that unites heaven and earth through our sacred Union.

-Your Light shall guide us as we fulfill what lies within the circle of our lives today.

-We know that You already forgive us our secret fears, as we choose to forgive

the secret fears of others.

-Let us not enter forgetfulness of Reality, tempted by false appearances.

-For from your astonishing Fire comes the Eternal Song restoring and sanctifying all;

It is renewed eternally in our lives, and throughout Creation,

we seal these words as Truth in our hearts, committed fully in Trust, and Faith as together

we say:

Ahmeyn, Ahmeyn, Ahmeyn... meaning; And So It Is.

Light/Sound technology


It is also within my Heart’s Desire that you’ll wear this light-encoded jewelry as a reminder, as a transmission of Truth,

a frequencial salute to your own Hearts Desire, a Spiritual technology reminding you of the Truth that’s True always; Only Love is Real and God Is ... All That Is ...

And that the Knowing of this will sink into all the cells of your body and even into the marrow of your bones... Love Is Remembered and Embodied.

Feel the transmission of light, anchored into this bracelet through the vehicle of sound coming from deep within the Heart of Christ.

As giving and receiving are One, sharing and extending what first has been given becomes a natural movement towards completing the learning that any teaching is.


During a three year pilgrimage to sacred sites around the world, this chanted version of the Prayer was anchored and re/activated into the earthgrids.

You wearing this sound-encoded jewelry will further activate it’s remembrance in you and all who you come into contact with.

The activations and miracles that have come from my sustained devotion to this chanted version of the Prayer are too enumerable to mention.

My heartfelt prayer is that it will do the same for you.

I walk the earth to extend the Love of our Creator. As an energetic channel I bring light-encoded transmissions from the Heart of Christ through the Power of my Voice.


I Am Ori Ana, I Am.



The Unalom


Shanti Christo Amulet