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You are invited to take a deep breath and receive this Heartfelt Transmission of Yeshua/Jesus’ Prayer in it’s original language.
This masterful prayer operates not only at the level of words, but also on the level of frequency and sound,

Allow yourself to sit in the silent echo of this transmission for at least a minute or so after the last Aymen as you connect to your Divine Self.


The Spiritual Candy Store


Is co-created with The Divine to bring you Spiritual Technology for this time of Great Change.

To help you become a Wayshower in this coming Age of Grace.

Charged with sound and light frequencies, these jewellery pieces are designed to assist your awakening journey.

These sacred objects are beacons of Light that attract likeminded beings into your sphere and beam out Love into all directions simultaneously.

Blessing the road before you and lighting up The Way ahead.


Ancient prayers


New symbols


Ancient Symbols


New prayers


Shanti Christo Amulets

These Amulets hold the frequency of Shanti Christo - the Peace of Christ. Unifying the Vedic, Semitic, Yogic, Mystic and Shamanic Traditions.

Symbolic Significance.


Aramaic Prayer Bracelets

There is a Source that encompasses All.

Acknowledging this truth brings us into humility, a necessary state to enter communion with All That Is.

 Ahbwoon  b’woshmaya, the first line of Yeshua/Jesus’prayer in Aramaic inscribed in this bracelet, can be translated as such. 




Receiving a Symbol,
Receiving a Mantra

While I was in Maui on a seven week inner journey, a thought appeared during my morning chanting practice. A thought suggesting I chant: 

Om Namaha Yeshua Shanti Christo ... 

Om Namaha Mariam Shanti Christo ...


Receiving a Chant

While sitting on a beautiful wooden log under overhanging rock, looking out over the sea with an intention to meditate and chant, having learned to speak the lord’s prayer in Aramaic just a few months earlier.

I started practising Love’s Breath ‘deep and rhythmic belly breathing’ and Chanting Ahbwoon on the outbreath.

While sitting in the silent echo of the chant, a thought entered the mind;
